
├── app                               - Your application(你的应用)
│   ├── account                       - User account management UI(用户账号管理界面)
│   ├── admin                         - Administration UI(管理员界面)
│   ├── blocks                        - Common building blocks like configuration and interceptors(公共构建模块和拦截器)
│   ├── components                    - Common components like alerting and form validation(常用组件,比如警告组件和验证组件)
│   ├── entities                      - Generated entities (more information below)(生成的实体,下面会有介绍)
│   ├── home                          - Home page(主页)
│   ├── layouts                       - Common page layouts like navigation bar and error pages(通用页面布局,类似导航条和错误页)
│   ├── services                      - Common services like authentication and user management(通用服务,类似身份验证和管理)
│   ├── app.constants.js              - Application constants(应用常量)
│   ├── app.module.js                 - Application modules configuration(应用modules配置)
│   ├── app.state.js                  - Main application router(应用路由--单页应用业务通过js控制,无法简单通过url控制,故而使用应用路由,详情请百度)
├── bower_components                  - Dependencies installed by Bower(通过Bower安装的依赖)
├── content                           - Static content(静态内容)
│   ├── images                        - Images(图片)
│   ├── styles                        - CSS stylesheets(css样式表)
│   ├── fonts                         - Font files will be copied here(字体库)
├── i18n                              - Translation files(国际化语言文件)
├── scss                              - Sass style sheet files will be here if you choose the option(如果创建应用选择了LibSass,则其文件会在这生成)
├── swagger-ui                        - Swagger UI front-end(SwaggerAPI文档前段页面)
├── 404.html                          - 404 page(404错误页)
├── favicon.ico                       - Fav icon(网站图标)
├── index.html                        - Index page(索引页)
├── robots.txt                        - Configuration for bots and Web crawlers(针对搜索引擎爬虫的配置文件)

使用entity sub-generator自动创建的实体,对应的前段结构如下,例如 foo

├── app
│   ├── entities
│       ├── foo                                    - CRUD front-end for the Foo entity(Foo实体的前段CRUD代码)
│           ├── foo.controller.js                  - Controller for the list page(列表页面的控制器)
│           ├── foo.service.js                     - Service which access the Foo REST resource(访问Foo REST 资源接口的服务)
│           ├── foo.state.js                       - AngularUI router, which manages routes for this entity(AngularUI路由,管理这个实体的)
│           ├── foo-delete-dialog.controller.js    - Controller for the delete dialog pop-up(删除对话框的控制器)
│           ├── foo-delete-dialog.html             - View for the delete dialog pop-up(删除实体的页面)
│           ├── foo-detail.controller.js           - Controller for the entity details page(实体详细信息页控制器)
│           ├── foo-detail.html                    - View for the entity details page(实体详细信息页面)
│           ├── foo-dialog.controller.js           - Controller for the create/update dialog pop-up(创建和更新对话框控制器)
│           ├── foo-dialog.html                    - View for the create/update dialog pop-up(创建和更新页面)
│           ├── foos.html                          - View for the list page(列表页面)
├── i18n                                           - Translation files(国际化语言配置文件)
│   ├── en                                         - English translations(英文翻译)
│   │   ├── foo.json                               - English translation of Foo name, fields, ...
│   ├── fr                                         - French translations(法语)
│   │   ├── foo.json                               - French translation of Foo name, fields, ...

results matching ""

    No results matching ""